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    Better metadata means better science



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CEDAR is making data submission smarter and faster, so that scientific researchers and analysts can create and use better metadata. Through better interfaces, terminology, metadata practices, and analytics, CEDAR improves metadata from provider to end user.






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The Center for Expanded Data Annotation and Retrieval (CEDAR) was established in 2014 to create a computational ecosystem for development, evaluation, use, and refinement of biomedical metadata.

Our approach centers on the use of metadata templates, which define the data elements needed to describe particular types of biomedical experiments. The templates include controlled terms and synonyms for specific data elements.  CEDAR uses a library of such templates to help scientists submit annotated datasets to appropriate online data repositories.

CEDAR is an end-to-end process that enables

  • community-based organizations to collaborate to create metadata templates,
  • investigators or curators to use the templates to define the metadata for individual experiments, and
  • scientists to search the metadata to access and analyze the corresponding online datasets.



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